Wednesday, January 23, 2008


On MLK Day, Dr. Djonz, LizCee and I went to Body Worlds. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, LizCee said she'd like to go, I got the tickets, then Dr. Djonz decided to come along, so I got a ticket for him, then LizCee wanted to drop out, but I persuaded her to come along. It was a rainy day, and the exhibition (and the TM) was crowded. I told LizCee that we had to have a debriefing afterwards, which we did at a local chicken place, though none of us had chicken.
Our conclusions after seeing plastinated ex-people displayed and sometimes flayed:
1. We saw the exhibition, we got our money's worth,but we probably won't go out of our way to see something similar again.
2. We won't volunteer for plastination.
3. We're glad we don't have to know all the names for all the parts.
I found the plastination appeared more dessicated than in photos. When I began to describe the X-woman, TeePee told be to stop. I liked the intricacies of the nervous system.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome 2008

A time to begin again after taking a semester's break. During the time I was off blog, my colleagues and I delivered a seminar on how we did learning 2.0 at our library at CLA Long Beach.
My focus this year is on training. After a very good performance review, I have a tough act to follow. And as usual, we live in interesting times.
Some of the highlights of 2007 were:

1. Visiting with family and friends.
Visits from: relatives, especially CeeJayBee, Auntie and Uncle and friend Colin and Effie
Visits to: Long Island for Dr. Djonz's family, Thanksgiving and Christmas visits to cousins, aunts and uncles in the Central Valley.

2. Traveling new places. In late May we visited the Mt. Shasta area in Northern California on a bus trip:stops at at Turtle Bay in Redding, Shasta Dam, Burney Falls and took the Shasta Sunset Dinner train. Magnificent scenery.
Our longer train trip this year was to Long Beach for CLA. Yes, you can get to Long Beach by AMTRAK -- a roundabout way. Time to visit the Queen Mary and explore Los Angeles' Union Station before taking the Coast Starlight back home.

3. Working and discovering new things and letting go of old ones.
I participated in a mentoring program for work and, through much soul-searching, came to a realization that I will probably not realize my dream of a full-time semi-managerial position. I work in an exciting library in an atmosphere that is changing (and I love changes)

4. Gardening, crocheting, etc. I continue to spend time gardening, crocheting and passing on what I have been given; this winter I'm a vegetable gardening coop use a corner of the back yard for their vegetable growing activities. I started and completed a magnum opus -- circular filet crochet tablecloth with a daffodil pattern.

5. Service and worship. Often challenging, discouraging, exhilarating and hard to pin down. I now often attend two different church services one after the other on Sunday -- and still do things with the congregation where Dr. Djonz worships.

6.Yoga. I joined the Athletic Club and have been taking yoga classes three times a week. Didn't think I would ever do this, but I love the spa (Hot water is one of the blessings of being human.)