"There are two alignments on the page centered flush and left. "
From The Non-Designers Design Book:Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice. Robin Williams. Peachpit Press, 1994
Rules (for nearest book meme)
- Get the book nearest to you. Right now.
- Go to page 56.
- Find the 5th sentence.
- Write this sentence - either here or on your blog.
- Copy these instructions as commentary of your sentence.
- Don't look for your favorite book or your coolest but really the nearest.
The Non-Designers Design Book was the nearest book. Okay, it was the second nearest. The nearest was The Adventures of Johnny Bunko by Daniel Pink. That manga-style book lacks pagination, so the next was this above yellow cover-covered paperback that I finally bought ten days ago after eyeing it for ages at the Willow Glen Bargain Box Thrift Store.
Looking over my notes on Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind, I notice that Pink's taken a design suggestion from graphic designer Williams (who is neither the US actor or the Australian media scientist.) = Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, Contrast. Williams takes up the concepts in this order but suggests the reverse for a memorable acronymn.
Was this selection serendipy or unconscious memory recall?