Monday, December 11, 2006

Seven and a half habits of Successful Life Long Learning

I found the presentation very easy to access, though I couldn't download the contract. I took down notes in Microsoft Word. The assignment:

Which of the seven and a half habits is:
  • Easiest ? Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning. Usually I don't wait for someone to suggest something I should learn. I'm always looking for opportunities and new experiences.
  • Hardest? Habit 7: Teach and mentor others. I usually don't pass on the experience, though I've learned that I learn more when I need to teach something, even if it's something I pass on one to one. Usually I don't think anyone else would be interested in what I'm learning. This points to Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a confident effective learner.

I've never created a learning contract, but it's a good idea.

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