Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thing 4:Blogging Song

Since I'm already connected, here's a song for all you SJ Learning 2 bloggers:

I got a blog,
You'll have a blog,
SJ Learning has a blog!
In February of two thousand seven
All of us'll be blogging, blogging
All of us'll be blogging.

Happy holidays to all you previewers!


Monday, December 18, 2006

This is Thing 3!

In this blog I have 2 (actually more) things!
I have shown them to you!
These (anonymous) things
I (didn't) call them Thing One and Thing Two!

With apologies to Dr. Seuss

I still need to tinker with this blogger beta account. Stay tuned!


Monday, December 11, 2006

Seven and a half habits of Successful Life Long Learning

I found the presentation very easy to access, though I couldn't download the contract. I took down notes in Microsoft Word. The assignment:

Which of the seven and a half habits is:
  • Easiest ? Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning. Usually I don't wait for someone to suggest something I should learn. I'm always looking for opportunities and new experiences.
  • Hardest? Habit 7: Teach and mentor others. I usually don't pass on the experience, though I've learned that I learn more when I need to teach something, even if it's something I pass on one to one. Usually I don't think anyone else would be interested in what I'm learning. This points to Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a confident effective learner.

I've never created a learning contract, but it's a good idea.

Friday, December 08, 2006

It's time to be serious

The library's Learning 2.0 program based on Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (North Carolina) will be launched in January. Now I'll have to get serious and start logging what I've learned. Even though I've worked through some of the PLCMC exercises, there are others I've reviewed and haven't put into action. I confess that I still don't have a digital camera, that I'm uneasy using Flickr and Technorati. Watch this blog. I'll be sharing my joys and frustrations.