Monday, January 31, 2011

Back to Classes: almost 30 years later

Times are hard and last year my not so brilliant career went bung -- well, not quite. What I feared happened: my part-time hours at the library were reduced from 30 to 20 due to budget cuts in library services, despite my seniority. I'm still working at the library I love and doing interesting things like crocheting, volunteering at the Listening Post, growing vegetables like kohlrabi and jerusalem artichokes and loofahs (but didn't get into the SCC Master Gardeners program.) Since I've volunteered off and on for counseling projects (LifeLine, Contact, Stephen Ministry, Listening Post, the next step was to get more training. I have an overseas degrees in anthropology and linguistics and library science, but there's always been fear of issues of getting credentials accepted by the CSU system. To test the waters I've enrolled in EDCO 215: Introduction to Counseling and Guidance at SJSU's Open University program. From last semester's course description, it seems a good introduction and could count as credit if I eventually enroll in a Master's Program and go on to a new career in the helping professions.Yes, I'm anxious. I hope to always go on learning new things, but sometimes there limits as to what can be absorbed.

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