Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Books and websites

Over the years I've enjoyed the Writers and Readers ".. for Beginners" documentary comic books. They're sometimes hard to locate, since there have been publisher changes, reissues and other trans-Atlantic, not to mention sometimes language translation issues. These past few weeks I've dipped into Adler for Beginners and Gestalt for Beginners to supplement reading from my counseling textbook.

From my own bookshelves I've taken Charles Hampden- Turner's "Maps of the Mind: Charts and concepts of the mind and its labyrinths. I don't completely understand all the diagrams and summaries, but it's a good reference, even if needs updating.

Good review website: Prentice Hall Companion Website: Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theories and Inventions. This website supplements the textbook by Capuzzi and Gross -- lists of key concepts, key people and short online quizzes.

The Social Work Podcasts have good summaries of counseling theories

Two books I'm reading from my list of books to read:
Once was lost by Sara Zarr
Composing a Further Life by Catherine Bateson

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